In This Regarding Matter Of Its Own Soul...
It bequests from within a soul full particularization that demands from within its own a dignified alternative to its own. It can then relate as its own a soul full effect and bring together a full forum of self contentment.
So this is evocably a soul full template where light has to its own a soul full propulsivity as it is own soul full effect. It can then as a whole regenerate and recreate a full one self in its own soul full effect .
So this new paradigm of light has towards its allness a full one self in full propulsivity of its own.
This soul full effect is towards its all mighty light a full one self in response as its own soul full effect. This in its own do so bequest as it is a soul full texturing of its own.
So this is indeed a soul full performance where all of its texturing of its own is to be and to bequest as it is a full one self in full regarding statement as its own soul full effect.
So this soul full particularization is to in between its full one selves in full texturing of its own, is to fully so well receive from within its soul full imprint of its self, in full diversity of soul full expression of its own.
So this is in its own a uniqueness in full expressions where the whole can so well behold its tentative side effect.
So by so wanting to fully succeed into its own, a soul must bequest as its own a full one self in full requested venues as its own soul full effect.
This in its own so simply said is done by simply being its most, a form of self to its giving portions of its own.
So this in its own is to be and to behold a life symposium where all of its own junctions as its own soul full effect has towards its all mighty light be quested a soul full effect .
So this in its own do so well mean that all that have so well chosen from within this particular solidarity of self expression, will soon behold its circum-flexing devices as its own soul full effect.
So in this regarding matter of its own a soul full light by its own will behold its pointed visions towards its junctions of self observatory effectual lights by its own.
So to be and to besterly observe all pointed visions, a soul must command by its own all purpose full lights of its own soul ship and then regard as its own a full one self as its own soul full effect.
So indeed this is of simplistic junction where it has so well fully correlated its own junctions as its own soul full effect.
So to be and to fully assume all of its junction, a soul must reiterate by its own what it is a one has fully understood by its own junctions of self attainments in all ways of its own soul full effect.
So this is also of an easily attainable objective.
So indeed all particularities of its own will then as a whole prevail towards its wholeness a full one effect.