So this whole distributionairy light of its own is when a soul has this formulation of its own and as it is of soul full effect it is then in full revealed statue into its own source full effectual light as its own.
So this is to most a significant appeal for when a soul has reached its momentous composition and fully regarded all soul full contemplativities of its own, a soul has reached its full effect and fully graced its ventures of its own in full rendering shipnesses just as to it and most certainly just as to its own.
So this is when a soul has this pattering of full regarding statue when the whole soul has this most profound self recognition of its own.
It is when a soul has their time place of self to its pointed vision and where the vision of its own is in full regarding stratospheric conditionings of its own.
So this full display of lights into its own has now formally brought towards its full effect a soul full composium where its Almighty's are of course its full reveled statues.
So in full display for all to fully migrate as into its own.
So this whole symposium of soul selves in full patterning of its own is to be and to fully receive from within its sphere of selves just as to its own a full revealed pattering of to it just as to its own.
So this full discernment of selves inwardly and as to its own is when this whole platform revealed so well by its own a soul seeking objective just as to it in full effect.
So this whole discourse of self assembly line is when a whole soul has communicated its whole effect and brought upon each one a full effect.
~ PS ~