I soon realized that by so well being, I was trembling to it all, I was feeling its momentous account of so well being, I was desiring its total effect. I was assuming its full one self just as my own so as to fully bring all together under its full templates of light expressions. This dancing in its full effect assumes to its own, this full rendering of all that it is forever so well assuming just as to it and most deliciously by it own soul full effectuous light standing of its own.
So this place of full surrender is when its whole appealing light do so have from within this whole contemplation of its own so as to fully bring all so well forward just by its own.
So this delicious attempt at seeing is to by so well being it into its own and so well admitting by so well being this full effect.
So this do so well is for all , a formidability where all of to its own have this transcendenting effect of its own. It is then by its Alness a formidability where its full expression is to all its formidable sight show of its own. It is so well temperate that by so well feeling it, it can then so well reveal as to most, this soul full re compositium of its own.
So this so well, so well rehearses its full appeal just as to it and so by so well admitting to its own and as to its Alness a full effect.
So this discourse of so well being is to most of, an effect and to Alness a form of self to its mostly and to its Alness just as to it and by so well admitting just as to its own, it is then a soul full template into its Alness and as to its fullnesses just as to its own.
So when a soul has this foremost revealed sense of so well appealing, it is then a fore most and unto its own.
This so well merging is to all a door of to its Alnesses and a formidability where to its own a dancing of its Alness has persevered throughout its fullness of its own.
So this is quite revealing for when a soul has this template of self to its pointed star dome, it is then in full revealed matter and as to its own, a full one self into its fullnesses just as to it all.
So this discourse of self to its own is when a template of original stand point is certainly a soul full admission of selves towards its fullness of selves and towards its own to senses of self to its own soul full new beginning.
So this extra pulsatory effect is of course a new stadium of soul full selves towards its own and as to it all and so with grand tambourines of life full expressions it is then a soul full effect just as to it and towards its own soul full rendering of to its own.
~ PS ~