So in deed this then becomes a whole new consciousness in full display where the all , the whole is so well deciding upon its own a new source felt prerogative where its full alliance of its own is in full beneficial aspect of its own.
So indeed when a soul has finally come to fully understand that by so well being it will then completely be of full alignment when its wholeness will soon bring about a full effect.
So this is of course a full one self where its Allness has procured to its own, a full one self in full revealed situational boarders of its own.
So this is of utter most sublimity for when we are just about to fully pierce its volt-aging of its own, a soul then most resolutely realigns its full knowledgeable aspect towards a full rendering of its own.
So this to be and to see is what makes a whole consciousness bring about a newness to all and formidably realign by its own, a new source felt prerogative just as to it and by its own soul full effect.
So in this platorium of selves a soul full evolutionary light is of ultimacies and of equilibrium in full disguise full effect.
So in this whole soul full light it is when a soul has this fully realized soul full effect of its own and in full affirmational affairs of its own.
So to affirm or to dis ease its whole soul full component is when a soul has this objective of self knowing that in deed it has upon its own, a whole lot of effectual lights by its own and in full matter just as to it and as to its own soul full effect.
So this whole discourse of a self to its revealed pointed star dome of its own is when a whole soul has this magnitude of self realizations that of course it has a fully revealed pointed system just as to it and in full effect.
So this is of obvious pointed system and of obvious affairs where the whole will soon come to see just as to it and by so well administering its whole effect, one is then in full capability to fully confirm its full effect to all and most certainly just as to it by simply being its whole soul full effect of to it and as to its own.
So be it, it is of full soul full conception where all are regarding just as to it and in full render ring just as to its own.
So this welcoming of its own is when we are all of to it and in full effect so as to fully bring about its truest magnificence just as to its own.
So indeed we are just about to fully bring all together and gratify its full effect of simply being its ultramax in this endeavor of its own in full revealed mater and in full circum navigating objective of its ultramaxies of its own.
So this is of course of benevolent light in all ways of its soul full consciousness and so with grand point of exclamatory effect we are all embarking upon a whole new consciousness in all ways of its own.
~ PS ~