The planet Mara is a tropical type rain forest planet. They are differences between what we would consider tropical rain forest to all intent purposes. It is the closest thing we can associate it too. Once again like with other planets they are some aspects of which are quite familiar, other parts of it that would be quite unfamiliar that is if you visited there with your current perception. Now Mara does not have any life forms on it such as what you would call animal life forms you know apes, |
chopping it up or burning it down or any thing like that. Basically what happens when a plant reaches its natural life line, it falls to the forest floor and becomes mulches for the next generation of plant there, which is not that dissimilar from here but it is in a unique balance there. Now the pants there have a form of rudimentary awareness intelligence. Not that you could necessarily sit down and have a conversation with one, not necessarily on that level but there is awareness of being within those life forms.
They have an awareness of each other, an awareness of their life span, they would be aware of feelings and sensations, hot/cold, pain/pleasure, those sorts of things. All those things they have.
They even have in their own a way a form of communication and they co-relationship with all the other elements of that planet and all of the other life forms on it. Not dissimilar to a certain degree to the concept which was portrayed in the Avatar movie where all of the plants are sort of inter connected through the root system and so we see that this is a very real living example of that type of system in practice. It is a relatively young planet compared to a lot of the planets in the universe. Even compared to the Earth it is relatively young. They is no sings of any mammals or meat eating or any meat based animals or creatures ever formed there. However the reason why we bring it, up is because it does describe a planet which is quite different although not that dissimilar to recognize. Somehow aspects of it would seem quite familiar however what is
interesting about it, it has some unique fruits and it is being known by visiting aliens races if you like, who from time
to time pass the planet and stop in briefly to have cultivated certain fruits from that planet.
Now the thing is you cannot really take a sample of plant and then grow it some where else from that planet. It
does not work that way. The plants there need to be inter connected. Here on earth you can go take a cutting and plant it and it will grow independently of the original piece. That does not work that way on Mara. On Mara if you cut something off, it dies. That is it, no nothing. It is over! Once it is disconnected from the system, it ends. Visiting races realized that relatively quickly. So they realized all that they could do is go and stock up on a few days worth of fruits and natural vegetable if you like. So because of that, once again, it has worked to the benefit of Mara! For because if indeed you could take fruits and you could preserve it in some way and make it last
a long time then beings would have over ridden Mara a long time ago. It would have been desolate but because you cannot take a cutting and because the fruits are only going to last for a couple of days and it cannot be preserved in any way, then what ever you take can only be consumed relatively quickly and because it is far from any other world really you can only eat a bit on your journey away.
So this also protects the planet as a natural barrier just because of the conditions of the growth and the life there.
Also of the distance from so many other planets although it is well known within the universe, it is not a place that is well traveled or often traveled. They have been stories of people on the run, trying to get to Mara to use it as some sort of hide out but as far as the official records go they is no one that has ever successfully been able to maintain an existence there for a particularly long time. Short visits to Mara can be quite pleasant but elongated stays, it plays on one consciousness! That is all we can say. It is not a physical discomfort as of far as you know nothing is going to come out and grab you by the leg. It is not suddenly going to become all swampy with bugs or any thing like that.
However what you do find is that they is, some people describe it as a tone, some people describe it as a feeling and to put it succinctly into the words of others, it makes you feel like you got to get the hell out of this place. It makes you feel uncomfortable enough to want to move on quickly.
It is not a place even though visually appealing to the rest of the senses, it is not a place that welcomes you at all. It is a place that is saying ok you have had your look move on.
Mara the vegetative planet of the universe.