Once Upon A time, in those days before the Internet.
If someone wanted to study or research something, the 1st stop was usually the local library.
Books for the longest time were our number one point of reference, whenever study was required.
But not all information ended up in a book!
Thus during the 19th & 20th century's we saw the rise and rise of the paperbacks, Newspapers, journals and magazines. A relatively cheap and easy way of getting information out to a growing literate public, that was quickly wanting information in an easily digestible form. In the mid to later parts of the 20th century, many clubs and interest groups started to publish regular newsletters and small magazines to help inform, unite and to encourage the participation of the members of their particular group. In fact before the Internet, most groups or organizations had a newsletter of inter office bulletin of some type to keep their people informed and in touch.
Many of these unique magazines & publications have already faded from memory,
where as a few have survived and are still published to this day, both in paper form and online.
One of the best examples of this can be seen in NEXUS Magazine.
Since the 1980's Nexus has brought us information (which often wasn't available anywhere else), about UFOs, Conspiracies, Black OPs, Big Brother, 9/11, The Illuminati, Alternate Realities, Alternative Health and much much more.
Nexus also pioneered (to a certain degree), the idea of the conference, a place where the public can come and meet the authors of all this information, to share, ask questions and to learn from each other.
On the eve of this years Nexus Conference, Soul 2 Soul in conjunction with our sister program Beyond 3D, sit down with the Editor of Nexus Magazine, the ever informative Duncan Roads.
We will also hear from Carmen, Liara & PS.
We also hear inspired musical frequencies from The Alan Parsons Project.
So come and join us as we enter the realms of the soul.
Please Join Us (Today) Monday At 12 Noon (Melbourne Australian Time)...
Also Repeated Thursday At 12 Noon and Sunday At 9pm...
Streaming Worldwide From http://rppfm.com.au/stream
Videos From Today's Show Will Be Available From,
The Soul 2 Soul Facebook Page
Our Vimeo Page
And The NEW Soul 2 Soul You Tube Channel!
If someone wanted to study or research something, the 1st stop was usually the local library.
Books for the longest time were our number one point of reference, whenever study was required.
But not all information ended up in a book!
Thus during the 19th & 20th century's we saw the rise and rise of the paperbacks, Newspapers, journals and magazines. A relatively cheap and easy way of getting information out to a growing literate public, that was quickly wanting information in an easily digestible form. In the mid to later parts of the 20th century, many clubs and interest groups started to publish regular newsletters and small magazines to help inform, unite and to encourage the participation of the members of their particular group. In fact before the Internet, most groups or organizations had a newsletter of inter office bulletin of some type to keep their people informed and in touch.
Many of these unique magazines & publications have already faded from memory,
where as a few have survived and are still published to this day, both in paper form and online.
One of the best examples of this can be seen in NEXUS Magazine.
Since the 1980's Nexus has brought us information (which often wasn't available anywhere else), about UFOs, Conspiracies, Black OPs, Big Brother, 9/11, The Illuminati, Alternate Realities, Alternative Health and much much more.
Nexus also pioneered (to a certain degree), the idea of the conference, a place where the public can come and meet the authors of all this information, to share, ask questions and to learn from each other.
On the eve of this years Nexus Conference, Soul 2 Soul in conjunction with our sister program Beyond 3D, sit down with the Editor of Nexus Magazine, the ever informative Duncan Roads.
We will also hear from Carmen, Liara & PS.
We also hear inspired musical frequencies from The Alan Parsons Project.
So come and join us as we enter the realms of the soul.
Please Join Us (Today) Monday At 12 Noon (Melbourne Australian Time)...
Also Repeated Thursday At 12 Noon and Sunday At 9pm...
Streaming Worldwide From http://rppfm.com.au/stream
Videos From Today's Show Will Be Available From,
The Soul 2 Soul Facebook Page
Our Vimeo Page
And The NEW Soul 2 Soul You Tube Channel!