So this is of course a new disciplinary light of its own where its whole contouring of its own is to all a soul full light in full dexterity of its own.
So to be and to fully exaggerate all of its own core responding addresses is to be and to see that all junctions of its own is forever and for all a new structuring where its own ventures are of its own soul full disciplinary lights of its own.
So this is of course a new discipline where its whole junctions of its own are to fully exaggerate all of its own structuring of its allness in order for it all to soon find from within its own soul full structuring in its full effect.
So this is of course a new dialoguing circumstance where all ventures of its own are to be as to it and to be as to its own so as to bring about a full one self as it is.
So this whole disciplinary light is by far a source full expression where its whole junctions of selves as its own are to be as to it all and to service its wholeness by its own soul full effect.
So this is of course a new systemic effect where its all mighty light are of course its full effect.
So to be as to it, is to simply see from within its whole structure where its own soul ship has this venture, where its whole soul full effect has by its own a new discourse of infinity by its own.
So to be as to it is to see way into its own and to fully discover its full templates where its all mighty lights are to be just as to it, as it is to its own and to be just by its own a soul full expression in full light benevolence as it is own soul full effect.
So this discourse of self observing its full effect is to see from within its own sphere of selves, as its own and to fully denunciate its full appealing lights by its own soul full effect.
So this apprentice of self realising its full effect is to be as to it and to fully get it that a soul has to fully contemplate its whole effect in all of its own soul full discoursing of its own.
So this template of selves as its own, is to be and to see its whole effect and to fully come into its own as it is and to fully grant to its own soul full effect a new discourse in its full effect .
So to be as to it is obviously a soul full contemplation of its own soul full effect.
So this obvious contouring of its own is to be as to it and to fully come to fully recognize that in its effect a soul has fully demonstrated its whole soul full performance in its own and fully discoursed as it is a full one self in full matter of self determining effect.
So this obvious outer mode of self realization has brought upon each one a full one self in full revealed statue of self appreciative effect
So this whole venture by its own is of course a statue of self where the full revealed stand point of self systems are of course its past ventures of its own soul ship in full regarding statue of its own.
So this is of course a self to its revealed pointed visions where the core has by its own a soul full revealed pointed system of its own.
So this is of course a statue of selves in its own and as it is in full relationship as its own soul full effect.
~ PS ~