So in this full one self just as to it and as to its own is when a distributionary light as to it all is in full revealed stance of its own. It can then as a whole regenerate a whole new texturing just as to it and by so well standing to its own soul full evocationality, as to its own.
So this immersion of soul full templates is when a soul has to its mostess, a sounding boards of selves into its fullness of selvesness just as to it and by so well standing to its platforms of selves in all ways it can then as a whole, regenerate towards its fulness of self to its expressed desirabilities to its own, a soul full experiencing just as to it and into its own soul full consciousness as to its all.
So when we all so well traverse its full oceanic templates of selves inwardly and into its fulness of selves just as to it, it is then a full immersing experience of self awareness that brings about the full templates of life, a one has so well desired to fully acclimatise itself as, into its fullness of selves just as to its own.
So this whole texturing is when a whole soul full consciousness has a most perfected revealed sense of so well being just as to it and by so well to its own soul full effectual light in full revealed matter just as to its own.
So this light symposiumity is by so well admitting to its fulness of selves into its own awareness of selves and into its fulness of selves to its soul full expressions just as to its own in its Alness of selves and as to its own soul full effect.
So this whole consortium of selves into its fullness of selves to its own is when a soul has this totality of selves into its fulness of selves and outwardly a soul full consciousness in full expression of its own soul full effect.
So this observation into its fullness of selves is what it is to fully reveal just as to it all a soul full conception of its entireties just as to its Alness and as to its own in full effect.
So this whole observatory effect is to all its most significant appeal of lights into its fulness of selves and into its own soul full vocationality just as to it and by so well standing into its fullness of selves just as to its own.
So this full receiver ship as to its fulness of selves is what it is to soul full correlate just as to its own a new diagnostic of selves into its fullness of selves just as to its own.
So this soul full compositium of its own has now fully besterly re diagnosed its full effect.
It has by its own a new discourse of selves towards a new rendering ship of its own. It has traverse its oceanic endeavours of to its own and fully agreed that by so well standing to its own, a soul has fully diagnosed its full effect towards a whole humanitarium self expressions as to it and in full diversity of soul full expressions as to its own.
So this is quite of astounding light prerogatives that all are now fully manifesting in always of its own templates of lights in full revealed matter of its own.
So this is also of concept where the whole has this form most majesticness that is of complexity and also of truest self proportion to most and for all of its own soul full individualisations of its own.
So this amplitude of selves towards a whole new role playing of its own is when a whole template of selves just as to its own is in full revealed situational purpose full effects of its own.
So to be have into its Alness and formulate a whole soul full conception just as to its own is when a whole template of selves will soon well so well revealed just as to its full appealing effect just as to it and as to its fulness of selves as to its own.
So in deed a soul has this formulative template of selves where its whole soul full purpose full effect is of its foremost and of out coming effect just as to its own.
So this immersing side show just as to it is when a whole soul full consciousness is now in full light as to its own and in full templates where its whole light symposiumity is in full light to its own texturing and as to its own in full effect.
So to disperse its full effect is what it is to be of templates and allow for its wholeness to truly find from within its full effect just as to it and as to its own in full revealed statue of selves to its eternal unity of selves and to its fullness of selves to its pointed visions of its own.
So indeed it is of course a platinum of selves to its whole soul full servicing effect in full revealed circumstance so as to fully behold its full effect and as to its Alness in full revealed statue of its eternities as of to its own.
So when we all so well gather into its uniformity of soul full expressive endeavours of to its own a soul has formally begun its full templating of its own and in full matter just as to it and as to its for most effect.
So indeed as we all so well cherish its full effect we are also of its fulness of selves to its pointed visions into its foremost amplitudes of self expressions of its own.
So to be and to see is by far a notional structure where the whole soul has formidability of its own in full revealed stances as to its fullness of selves and as to its all mighty's just as to its fullness of selves and as to its Almighty's of to its Alness of its own.
So this is of grand re quest that I Am of Its light as it is of formidability of its own. It is of grand national structures to most and of dignitaries self siding effects.
So indeed when a soul has this form of self recognitions where its Almighty's are as to its own and as to its Alness in full expressions one is then in fully calibrated self appealing light just as to its own in full effect.
So this whole coursing of its own is when a soul has templated its full effect and graciously been of soul full alignment to all in its full effect.
So this whole magnitude of selves towards a whole new road of selves, in full evocational structure just as to it and in full effect is when a soul has this full template of selves towards a whole new role playing of its own.
So this whole complexity of its own is in full effect just as to it and by so well admitting towards its fulness of self a new coursing of its own.
~ PS ~