So to fully receive from within its own sphere of selves a newest revealed statue of its own is to step out of its emblems of past behavioural systems and brave itself so well forward just by simply being its ultimacies just as its own.
So when a soul has fully captured its full effect it is then so well dancing into its all the more just as its own and fully addressing its whole effect by simply being of its altruistic side shows so as to fully bring all together just as its own.
So this whole behavioural championship of its own is when we all together band this light into its own and fully formulate in its own a soul full performance just as it so desires to besterly represent from within and with all other soul full programmings of its own.
So this whole effect of its own so well doings is to be and to see that it is of core responding selves just so as to fully bring all together just as it is.
So this whole so well beingness is fortunately a whole soul in full pointed statue so as to fully bring into its own a soul full attempt at fully transferring its full effect.
So this whole amplitude of selves has now fully evolved into its whole soul full performance and just as its own, we are in full collaborative system in deed of its allness and in vocational structures from within its templates of life expressed desirabilities of its own.
So in deed when a soul has to fully be and see its full effect, it is then as its own and is to most a complete self in full revealed statues just as its own soul full effect.
So to be just as to its own is simply a delivery of its own soul full performance and allowing for its all mighty lights to centrifuge its wholeness just as its own.
So to be just as Is is simply a way of saying that I am all that it has so well desired to perform itself as in this new way of self in full transgression of light purpose full effect.
So it has a new perfume of life in its texturing effect.
~ PS ~