It is a time conceptualisation where few have divested and where all are called to soon discover just as their own.
It can regenerate from within its sphere of selves a new patterning effect of its own.
It can recreate from within its own sphere of selves just in its own and in full expressions of selves into its all mighty lights of its own.
So when we all so well choose to fully align ourselves into such an emotion of selves and into such a self just as to it all, it is then in full revealed statue where its full effect newly finds from within a simpleton light in full effect.
It is of journeying circumstance and in full evocational patterning light distributions of its own soul full attempt at fully getting to its passaging effect.
So to fully see this wave of self into its all mighty circumscripts of its own is to dialogue a forwardness as it is and to formulate a full one self in full approachable self contentment in all of its constituents of its own.
So this whole contouring of a soul from within its own sphere of self appreciative of its own is when we all so wish upon each one in full effect.
It soon brings about a new discourse of selves into its full appealing lights just as its own.
It can then recreate its fullness of selves into actions of its own.
It can then recreates from within its own sphere of selves in full appreciation of its all mighty selves and in full effectual stances of selves expressiveness of its own.
So this whole distribution of selves into its own soul ship is always a form of newness in full delegational structures of its own.
It can then recreate a new perspective where its full collaborative ventures are in full expression, so as to bring all together in one forum of selves to its soul full attentive endeavours of its own.
So please!.. As it should be towards its all mighty lights .
As it should always resume to its full attentiveness a forum of selves to its highest evocational structures of its own.
~ PS ~