It can then generate a whole new perspective of its own and formally redesign its full conceptualization just as to it and in its own true new way of self expressions.
So this whole revealed matter is just about to turn the corners of self discoveries out there in its own beholding positioning of its own.
So this be holding is much more than a human concept where one has to fully be it in all ways but of admitting to being part of a whole humanitarian composition and for more, a new ideal concept where the whole is much more of organizational structure from within its own grandness of self to its expressed stationeries of its own.
So in this mostly so well revealed concepts a soul then has this full one self in full realization of its own.
So to be as to it is far more extensive than a human consciousness but to admit to its wholeness in its most intimate detailing of its own.
So to over thought a whole lot of affectionate light navigating objective is when a whole consciousness then so well decides by its own that in its pointed visions a core of relative stabilizing objective are of course being to all its source felt perspective so as to fully bring about its full effect.
So in deed of its Allness a soul then is in full capacitor to fully inform just as to it is full effect.
So in this forum of self contentment a whole new diagnostic of selves towards a whole new notional structure is just about to besterly redesign its full knowledgeable concept so as to fully inform its fullness of selves to its expressed stationary objective a newness in full discourse of its own.
So this whole amplificatory light of to it is most obviously an attempt at bringing all together into its forum of selves and just as to it in full appealing light of its own.
So to be and to see is much more than to be and to see.
It is about being in full acknowledgment of a whole source felt template of its own and in full matter of self in full revealed pulmonary effect.
It is when a soul has gravitated its full consciousness and fully agreed that by so well admitting to its own it is then in full revealed matter and in full templates of selves to its pointed visions just as to its own.
So this whole template of selves to its pointed visions is in full light progression so as to fully bring all together in its full attempt at fully regarding all just as to it in full life representation of its own.
So this whole obvious outcome just as to it is most certainly a whole appealing light in its own and full admitting circum navigating light so as to fully bring to its own a newness in full dispersion of light towards a full rendering of its extreme texturings of its own.
So this whole template of light giving circum navigating soul full effects is by far a soul seeking in full display for all to fully agree as and for all to fully understand from within this deepest sphere of selves into its own.
So this whole evocational patterning has now fully increased by so well admitting to its ten folds of selves and towards its full effect of soul seeking its terms of endearments just as to it in full effect.
So this is of course a soul in seeking objective and in redeeming soul affairs of its own
and so by so well admitting to its full affairs of its own it is then in its equatorial sight seeings of its own in full alignment of its consciousness and in full admittance of its own.
So this is of decisiveness for when a soul has this grandiose appeal to all it is then in full admittance of all of its eternity's of its own and this is when it has by its own a full affair of self in full matter and in full evocationalities of its own.
So this over view of selves inwardly and by so well admitting to being as to it is when a soul has this regarding matter in full revealed pointed systems just as to it and in full reflectory of light in effect.
So this whole effect of a soul in full seeking mode is when the whole star dome of its own is fully revealed in matter and in its own soul full evocational patterning of its own.
So to be and to see is far more than a soul in its own but of assembly lines in all of its own true life giving objectives and in full revealed symposiums just as to it and in full effect.
So to be and to fully agree as to it is when a soul has reached its full momentum and fully agreed that by so well meaning it is in full receiver ship of its own and in full matter of its own soul full consciousness just as to it and in full effectual light as to its own.
~ PS ~