Full Collaborative Encounters Of Its Own...
As a soul so well progresses inwardly and by its own free willing effect one can then most certainly encounter to ones own a form of convalescing purpose full effect where it has by its own a truly cherished purpose full effect.
So in these encounters of so many other dimensional effects
one is then purpose fully observing from within its own sphere
a life composition of its immensities of its own soul full effect.
So to fully comprehend this whole soul full journeying composition, it is then of valuable perspective that one can so well choose to visit from within this whole sphere of life composites of so many close encounters of so many kinds.
So when to a soul this encountering effect begins in its own we are then as a whole in full revealing pointed self as its own.
So this is what is presently occurring from within all souls so desiring to find in their own a full soul full life description of their own.
So this whole soul encountering effect has to most a fully transforming life generating purpose full effect.
It then solidifies its encounters and bring upon each one a full effect of its own and a full encountering of all sorts of resounding self performances of all times in all ways of its souls fully encompassing effect.
So this whole entertainment center of its own is then by its soul in full revelatory light where it can so well inform by its own all of its own disciples of light in its own source felt perspectivity of its own.
So this is quite an extensive desire from within its own.
So this is also of its own extraordinary lightening where it has by its own a full revealed pointed star system where it has by its own a truly dignified vision of selves as their own and as a whole in its own towards its full rendering affairs of its own.
So this is in its full grace full effect and so by so in kindness of its own we are then as a full revealed pointed system as its own.
So in this generative desire we are then as a whole in its own a full one system as its own soul full effect.
Each one of its own do so carry from within this immensity of its own and in its own full effect it is then in full collaborative encounters of its own
So this is quite of an affluent perspective where all are in cohesiveness of its own soul full expressions.
So this whole soul encounter is much more than a persona of any kind but of kindness to its own and of transitivity in all of its own soul full effect.
So this in its own has as a most, a form of self receiver ship where it can as a whole fully sustain by its own a full one self in own own true self as its own fully informed diversities as its own.
So in deed as a whole this whole persona is by far in its own and as a soul in multiplicities as its own soul full effect.
So in this regard all shall besterly represent its own soul in full revealed pointed system as its own soul full effect.
So we begin this whole world of system in its own and by so well fully being as its own in its own pointed systemic effect.
~ PS ~