So when a soul fully contemplates its full notional structures and fully bring all together under its oats of self discernment one will is then in full A tribulations of its own and in full effectual lights as of to its Alness in full effect.
So this whole discourse of a self upon this whole world of self servicing effects is when a soul has to jump ahead of its own in order for it all to fully come all together just as to its own in full effect.
So this whole discoursing of being what so ever of its own is when a soul has this fully feeling effect of being just as to it and as to its own by simply willingly absorb from within its core centreness a full one self to its forwarded games of eternities.
So this is of course its full effectual lights by simply being it by so willingly be of its pointed systems into its own and as its own soul full impression of self awareness of its own.
So in this matter of selves a soul has this pin pointed vision of self awareness and so well gain by its own how it is it can incandescent its own behavioural patterns so as to fully inform its wholeness of its own affairs of selves just as to it and by its own soul seeking effectual light by its own and in full effectual lights justas to its Alness in full effect.
So this whole discernment of selves towards its full renderings ships of its Almost and of its eternities is when a whole soul full consciousness has appealed form within its own spheres of experimental effects and graciously realigned its futuristic effects towards a whole new role playing of its own.
So this whole discourse of selves inwardly and by its own is of diversificational purpose full effect.
So as to fully inform all of its own soul full conscious appealing lights to be just as to its own in full effect.
So it is of grand discernment that all of this light structuring of its own is in full relation ship of selves and in full forgiving patterning of its own.
So this giving to all is of mostly dignified visionary lights so as to fully bring forward all aspects of its own and as it is.
So in deed it will with all self contentment rise ultimately towards a whole new show casing of events where all soul full A tribulations will soon be and feel its full effect into its own and as it is of congruent appealing lights ti will bring upon its hole kingdom of lights a full effectual light distributionairy light circum navigating side show of its own.
So it is with perfected sense of so well being that all can so well resolutely be of full self in full alignment just as to its own in full effectual lights and so it is with grand statue that all that i am is of this sort of so well being in all effects of its own and so with grand stance we all merge into its own as it is.
~ PS ~