This is when the centrifuge of self perceivable abilities have upon the whole a new discourse of self magnificence throughout the whole and most certainly just as its own in full revealed statue to its own full discoursing self contentment as its own soul full effect.
So this full one discourse is all ways for all to fully acclimatize to its own and fully bring to its own togetherness a full informed consensus of selves in full awareness of to its own Alness and as to its own centrifuge of selves to its perceivable abilities of its own.
So this whole effect is of course a more dignified version of selves towards a full template of self awarenesses a whole can so well behold just as to its own.
So this whole configure of selves in its full evocational patterning to its Alness in full reciprocity of its own is when the whole centrifugal effect is creating from within a whole new template of selves in full expressions just to it and as to its own.
So this return of selves into its own endearments just to it, is when a whole soul has fully realized its own soul full effect and fully diagnosed its full templates as to it and as to its Alness in full effect.
So those of we in this beloved eternity of selves to its expressions of delight effect are of temporal sight seeing ness so as to fully bring into its own a full effect of self in full collaborative endeavors and in full effect.
So when in constituents of selves to its full evocation abilities a soul has then a full one self in dispersement of its own and in full configurative sight seeings to its Alness and as to it in full effect.
So this whole symposium of selves to its Allness is when it soul fully brings all together and fully affirms by its own a new template of self desirabilities just to it and as to its own in full effect.
So this whole consolidate of selves just to it, is when a soul has this full template of selves
just as to its own in full revealed statues just to its fullness of selves and to its expressed notional structure just as to it.
So when a soul template has exercised its full effect, a soul template has then this precognitive effect of soul seeking its full effect.
It can then relate just as to it, its full effect of selves into its own and as to it its full diversities just as to its own.
So when a wellness center appears from within it can then as a whole relate itself to its own just as it is.
So to be to see is all ways a center of self to its appealing ways of self observing points of its illuminated boards of self contentment and so with exaggerate "ciel" circumstances we are then as a whole in full enlighten state of wellness in a forwarded notional structure just as to its own.
~ PS ~